Fabulous Feedback


16.07.24 - Afternoon Tea with the Headteacher

"Was a lovely afternoon and was so nice to have a chat about different things and also having a few suggestions said about school uniform"


"It was a very nice time to spend with parents , Mrs Clarke and Mrs Sawtell-Haynes. Everyone was so friendly and kind. Thank you for inviting us"


"This was a lovely arrangement, it was nice to meet other parents, speak to the Head Mistress and Deputy and to also sit and chat with the Governors"


"First of all, I would like to say a big thank you for the invitation. It is not every day when we get to see the the school informally and at a relaxed atmosphere.

It was great listening to the Governor's and the Headteacher. Even though I did not have questions, it was still interesting to hear their point of view. Food was delicious and it felt calm and lovely.

School has been great for all those years and events like this, I believe brings teachers and parents closer together, which is only a positive thing. Thank you and I wish everyone the best of luck next year"


"Thank you for inviting me to today's afternoon tea. I loved how it was set up and how it  gave parents the opportunity to chat to the Head and Deputy Head as well as a couple of the Governors. Food was delicious. I had a very lovely afternoon."


"It was lovely to be invited into the school and get some understanding of things to come with in the school or plans you have going forward that we may not have otherwise been aware off. Thank you again for the invite."


"Was really good, really enjoyed the afternoon tea, was good to hear the school doing so well and listening to the plans the school have moving forward. Thank you"


"I must say I was pleasantly surprised by the way how it was organized, the attention to detail, and the personal touch. Thank you for doing a great job and supporting children in everyday education."


"It was such an amazing tea party with great effort and it was so nice having interaction with board members.  I really appreciated and thank you for lovely afternoon. Thanks to Kenningtons for sharpening our kids."



8.07.24 - 12.07.24 - Showcase Week

"Thanks for the  opportunity given me to be in the above classes with my sons. I saw the amazing jobs the teachers are doing with the kids. Warm greetings and our love to all the teachers."


"Can I just say what an amazing week this has been. The kids have loved us going into school and joining in. The PE lesson is definitely something that should continue! Miss Harris and Mr Gordon  are amazing with the kids, and we all had so much fun. Thank you! "


"Yesterday i went to my childs class for showcase and i saw all his work in year 2. Im just amazed to see how my child progress so much after Miss Kabir became his class teacher, his handwritting change drastically his english improved so much , Miss kabir knows his nature and learning difficulties very well and takes amazing steps to make his learning better and better, my child is so lucky to have a teacher like her and i just hope in year 3 he will have as amazing teacher as Miss kabir, i just wanted to say lots of thanks to her."



"I would like to say a huge thank you to all the wonderful staff who stayed and contributed to making Stubbers an amazing experiene for Year 6. Our daughter had the most amazing time and both my husband and i are very grateful. What a wonderful team you all are! "


"We just wanted to say a big thank you for the care you had for our child at Stubbers. They had so much fun and enjoyed it so much. What an amazing experiene. "



"Thank you for putting the 'BeeZee Body' Program together. "



"Just wanted to drop you a message to say thank you very much for the recent school disco. My daughter had an absolutely wonderful time and truly enjoyed herself. She was telling me how much fun she had and how she had never danced so much before.

I’d hope there is a chance there could be another one. "



"Just wanted to say a huge thank you for putting on the school disco for all the children, another fantastic memory!

‘The BEST disco of my life’

Also a huge congratulations on your Ofsted Inspection - well deserved! "


"I had to email to say my two did not stop talking about their disco’s for the rest of the evening. They had such a lovely time and was telling their nan what friends they danced with and what songs they danced to and just what a great disco it was.

Thank you so much for treating the kids in this way. A memory they will not forget. Means alot. "



"I had my parent consultation with Mrs Johnson and we were talking about the soup making the children have been doing at school. I told her that my child came home from school and wanted to make soup at home. They cut up all the vegetables and told me all the ingredients we needed. We used a hand blender to make it smooth and they even dished it up. It was delicious. They loved making it and told me all the steps they did at school, even the ‘bridge grip’ and ‘claw grip’ that they learnt with knife. "



"I just wanted to pass on some positive feedback and a big thank you to Mrs Proctor and Miss Turrell. I had some concerns about my child’s progress in school. Mrs Proctor arranged a meeting with me and her to discuss my concerns. She took a lot of time to really listen to what I was worried about. She showed me my child’s work, and explained the areas she's noticed, to help me give my child the right support at home. She listened to my concerns about my child’s sight and has instantly put some robust actions in place to ensure their learning is supported. My child came home from school and was absolutely thrilled telling me Miss Turrell used an overlay on her maths work and it made it so much easier to see. Mrs Proctor and Miss Turrell had already spotted some additional areas that my child needed support with - and put actions in place around their concentration which we will also support with. I came away feeling so relived, and knowing my child is in good hands. It's fantastic to have such a good, two way working relationship to give mu child the best start to their academic future. Thanks so much again - the teachers never fail to impress me at the school."



“Another great end of school year show. Well done Kenningtons. The work and dedication that’s goes into these shows from pupils and staff is amazing. We were lucky with the weather and once again was a most enjoyable afternoon.”



"I want to say thank you to the school for the swimming lessons organised, my daughter really enjoyed it and was sad that it has come to an end."



"Thank you for a really enjoyable afternoon tea. It was lovely to hear other parents have such praise for the school."

"Thanks for the invite, Dad really enjoyed himself. He said the environment was welcoming and like the idea that the headteacher was actually moving from table to table to have a chat with individuals on the table."

Thank you so much for the invite, it was so lovely to be a part of it and thank you for the nomination. It was a really lovely experience and it looked beautiful. It was clear to see lots of effort was put in and the attention to detail was lovely. It was excellent and really appreciated to have the opportunity to speak and catch up, very informative and really looking forward to next year. As always very honest. We are lucky to be part of such a dedicated and kind school. Thank you."

"First of all, I want to thank all the staff for the effort put in during this hard year for our kids. And regarding this evenings event, I can tell that makes me feel special and my daughter appreciated. Everything was beautiful and the headteacher gentle as always. Thank you."

Was a pleasure to be invited to have tea in the school where my children learn, to have the opportunity to speak with the headteacher and with other parents. A big thank you to all of you."

"Thank you so much for inviting me for the tea party. The whole set of the party looked astonished, white covered tables, tea sets, delicious cakes and music make a pleasant scenery for having tea. I'm happy to be chosen. Thank you again, wish you all restful holidays and best of luck for next year."

"First of all, thank you very much for invitations to tea with the headteacher, Mrs J Sawtell-Haynes. It was a well organised meeting with Mrs J Sawtell-Haynes and other parents. And for me personally, it was a very pleasant experience. It was very nice to talk to the other parents and express our opinions or concerns about our children and school life as well as to listen about plans for the next school year. BTW, the scones were delicious."

"Wow! What a great experience today with the headteacher for the afternoon tea. Thank you so much for taking care of the whole school. Myself and my husband would like to say a big thank you to all Kenningtons Primary School staff and especially the teachers. We are so happy that we chose this school for Jayden. A big thank you to my sons teachers, Mrs Proctor and Mrs Turnell. They have been great support and inspiration throughout the year. They are the best! Thank you all."

"Was a really lovely afternoon. Chatted to other parents about things we really like about the school and how our children are getting on. Such a nice treat for a select few. Thank you for letting me be part of it."

"There are not enough words to express the warmth and positivity of this day. I would like to thank everyone that made this happen it was a privilege to be part of it. Yet again the school makes me very proud that my son and very soon my daughter are completing their first years of education here. Thank you once again."

"Thank you for a lovely afternoon. It was a great opportunity to speak with other parents/grandparents and Mrs Sawtell-Haynes who answered any questions and spoke about her thoughts and the plans for the school for next year. Plenty of delicious sandwiches, cakes and scones along with tea and coffee. A very pleasant treat."

"Thank you for inviting me today. It was a wonderful atmosphere with wonderful food. It was really nice speaking to different parents from different year groups and listening to their experiences. The food was outstanding and the tea was delightful. I enjoyed speaking to Mrs Sawtell-Haynes and hearing about all the brilliant plans she has for the school and understanding more about how it works."

"A very big thank you to Miss Mellor for nominating me to have afternoon tea with Mrs Sawtell-Haynes. I had a lovely afternoon, the food was delicious and tables were decorated beautifully. I am very grateful. Thank you."

"Thank you so much for the invitation. I had such a lovely time. Everything was put together so nicely. It was nice to sit and chat with both staff and other mums, dads and grandparents. A very relaxed afternoon enjoyed by all. The food was also extremely yummy. Thank once again."

"Linda thoroughly enjoyed her unexpected treat. It was a pleasure for her to meet the headteacher, governors and other parents/helpers. It made her feel appreciated and she loved the idea of afternoon tea with the headteacher. She was delighted to be invited and had a wonderful time."



"My dearest, I'm happy to let you know our transport reached the destination and people From Ukraine that received the goods are making a poster to say Big Thank You. We made a great job together. Thank you so much for your help. Best regards, Kasia"



“Thank you for arranging the Team Consultation meeting for my son, with his class teacher and I would like to express my appreciation for the way it was conducted and discussion we had. A big thanks to Ms. Gingell for her cooperation and inputs about my child.”

“Good evening. I wanted to thank all the school staff for the support and for the care you have for our kids in this times, we cannot thank you enough for everything.”



"Hello, Emily came out of school today the happiest I’ve seen her in a long time! Emily explained to me that every Tuesday she will be joining Mr De Wet to learn how to play the piano! Emily’s favourite lesson is Music. She’s loved music and instruments from a very young age. Although Emily didn’t get to meet her Great Grandma, her Grandma played the piano and gave piano lessons, so this means so much to us all. Emily spent this evening playing on her keyboard and she’s looking forward to her next lesson. I’m truly grateful. This has made Emily’s and my year! I’m so grateful, thank you!"

"Good afternoon, I just wanted to start by saying a huge thank you for being so proactive for our coach this morning, it was amazing to walk into a school and have lesson plans ready, equipment ready and children that were excited to learn."



"I just wanted to say a massive thank you to my child’s teacher and the assistants. Alyssa was so scared to go to Nursery and it seems she has had a really good day and is excited to come back. She’s told her baby sister everything she did and she said that her teachers were really nice to her. Makes me feel alot better about her going because since lockdown she has been such a scared kid so this has made us feel alot better about it. Thank you again for all your help!"

"Would you please pass on my gratitude to Jo and Tracey and thank them on my behalf for the support and hospitality they’ve afforded me over the time we’ve worked together."



Parent feedback continues to be positive in the Parent Questionnaire 2019. Please click (here) to view.



Parental Feedback for the Year 6 Interhouse

We would like to thank Year 6 parents for completing feedback slips to let us know their views on what went well at the Year 6 Interhouse and what changes they would like to see in the future.

Parents praised the organisation of the event and the behaviour of children.

“Very well organised and well behaved children and loved it.”

“Enjoyed the teamwork and gamesmanship of the children. They want to win on each event.”

As the Year 6 Interhouse took place outside on the school grounds, we trialled permitting each pupil to have two adults come to support them (historically we have limited the number to one adult per child). This was a success at this event and we will be looking at this model for future events.

“It was nice to watch smaller groups with our own child participating throughout...having both parents in attendance was good.”

In terms of suggesting ways to improve the event, parents have suggested potential changes such as amending the seating arrangements, changing the team organisation, adding “extra games” and to “get the adults involved” in future Interhouse events. We will continue to collect parent feedback throughout the year to help us keep improving events.



Our after-school Family Fitness sessions have begun and we are enjoying sharing the fun of getting fit with pupils and parents. 

"My daughter and I had such a brilliant afternoon!" Writes a Reception parent. "It took me back to my school days and how fun it all was. Hearing my daughter cheering me on, on the circuit made my heart swell." 

Sportsquest, who have been contracted by the school to lead the sessions, have been praised for the quality of their health and nutrition advice, not to mention their motivational skills!   



We received wonderful feedback for the Kenningtons World Carnival Event (here). Seventy-five parents 'liked' the final event post on Facebook and eighteen left congratulatory comments which we were delighted to read.

"The costumes were amazing and it was clear to see that all the children and staff were very enthusiastic and having a great time. What a perfect ending to the school year!" A parent has written to us by email.



Throughout the school year, each year group takes part in an Interhouse Event. During this event pupils take part in competitions to win points for their 'Houses'. At the end of the school year the House Cup is awarded.  

"I had a lovely time seeing my daughter take part in the sports today. She looked like she was really enjoying herself and was very happy I could come and watch her take part." A parent emailed after the Year 1 Interhouse today.



In our Parent Questionnaire 2016 results, parents gave very positive feedback about the quality of teaching (98.9% agree teaching is 'good') and the school's efforts to promote healthy lifestyle choices to pupils (98.2% agree).

In the results of the Parent Questionnaire 2016 (here) we have compared our school results (blue) to National results from ParentView (green).



Parent feedback continues to be positive in the Parent Questionnaire 2015. Please click (here) to view.



We were delighted to receive a thank you email for our latest set of 'Positive Postcards'. It is really good to hear that pupils have enjoyed showing them to their leaders at local clubs and that they have provided a well deserved confidence boost!



The results of our Parent Questionnaire 2014 were really positive; particularly in terms of pupils enjoying school and the quality of teaching. Please click (here) to view.



A message was received from the convenor of an after school tech programme  to thank Mrs Chatfield for the E-Safety web links (here) which were provided following an E-Safety course for parents at the school.



Our new way of admitting children into school in the mornings (see school newsletter 17.10.2014) has drawn positive feedback. Parents have commented on the reduced waiting time in the playground and one has even noted a difference in traffic flow in Tamar Drive!


We have received a lovely email to thank reception teacher Miss Bannon and her support staff for doing their very best to encourage pupil achievement (and instil a strong sense of enthusiasm for school in the bargain!)