Year 2

2P - Mrs Pro​ctor


In 2P we come to school to explore and discover new things. We understand it’s ok to make mistakes because we learn from them. We always treat others with respect and expect to be treated the same.


Class Target:  To use ‘active listening’ in our lessons. (focusing on: eye contact, feedback, tracking)

Class Champion: Ayeyi | Health and Safety Monitor: Charlotte | Eco-Warrior: Michael

PE Days: Tuesday & Thursday



2W - Miss Kabir


In 2W we will try our best and do the right thing. We will be kind and polite to everybody.


Class Target: We will use ‘active listening’ in our lessons. (focusing on: eye contact, feedback, tracking, sitting nicely, not fidgeting)

Class Champion: Clara | Health and Safety Monitor: Muskaan | Eco-Warrior: Esther

PE Days: Tuesday & Thursday


Learning Overviews

Summer Term 2

Summer Term 1

Spring Term 2

Spring Term 1

Autumn Term 2

For Week Commencing: 16th October 2023

For Week Commencing: 9th October 2023

For Week Commencing: 2nd October 2023

For Week Commencing: 25th September 2023

For Week Commencing: 18th September 2023

For Week Commencing: 11th September 2023