Year 6

6B - Mrs Beard


In 6B we aim to be model citizens by showing respect to our whole school community by treating others how we would like to be treated. We listen well in class and follow instructions. We understand that we have a responsibility to be positive role models to others by demonstrating good behaviour, always being sensible and having high standards. Through hard work and determination, we aim to be the best that we can be. Work hard to achieve our targets, by being determined and having belief in our abilities.


Class Target:  To show respect to all within the school community by listening politely when others are speaking both in and out of the classroom.

Class Champion: Grace | Health and Safety Monitor: Ewaen | Eco-Warrior: Diyanni

PE Days: Monday & Thursday


6CW - Mrs Chatfield

6CW - Miss Wallin (maternity leave)

6CW - Mrs Clarke



In 6CW, we will complete all tasks to the best of our ability and always try our best. We are responsible and have the correct behaviours in all areas of the school and are kind to everyone. We will listen and sit still while others are speaking and show this by looking at them; we know calling out is not acceptable. We know to be calm around school, walking when we are inside. We recognise that this year is an important year, so will revise and complete extra work at home when we can.


Class Target:  Our class target is for each child to bring in their library book to school every day before the end of the term. If we do, each day, we will put a marble in the jar. If we achieve this target, we will be rewarded with a PE afternoon.

Class Champion: Elsie | Health and Safety Monitor: Preston | Eco-Warrior: Finley

PE Days: Monday & Thursday


Learning Overviews

Summer Term 2

Summer Term 1

Spring Term 2

Spring Term 1

Autumn Term 2

Autumn Term 1

For Week Commencing: 18th September 2023

For Week Commencing: 11th September 2023