School Meals
What do the children eat at lunchtime?
The children can either have school dinners, a packed lunch from home or go home for lunch.
Our School Chef - Cliff Rydings & Catering Assistants
School dinners are cooked on site. All meat, fruit and vegetables are sourced as locally as possible.

Food Hygiene Rating 5
We're proud of everyone who helped us achieve a
Food Hygiene rating of 5!

Provided by Ashlyns
Menus are on a three week rotation that is changed twice a year. They are analysed to ensure they meet the Government Nutritional Standards as well as the Food Based Standards. The Headteacher meets with the Class Champions once a term to discuss the menus and what the children would like to see on them. Our most recent School Dinner Menu is available by clicking the link below.
Autumn & Winter: 2024/2025
Payment for school dinners
School dinners are available at a cost of £2.50 for each meal (£12.50 weekly). Payment for school dinners must be made in advance via the ParentMail website in minimum increments of £10. If no payment has been made or if your account is in debt your child will not be automatically be given a school dinner and a call home will be made regarding alternative eating arrangements. A debit is made from your ParentMail dinner money account only when the child requests a school dinner. Please ensure your child is aware if they are supposed to be having a packed lunch as dinners ordered in error will still be charged.
Some families may be entitled to free school meals.
You could be entitled to free school meals if you receive:
Income support
Income-based job seekers allowance
Child Tax Credit (income under £16,190)
Guaranteed part of Pension Credit
Income related employment and support allowance
Support under part V1 of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
Working tax credit is not an entitlement to free school meals.
Pupils in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 automatically receive free school meals.
Packed Lunch
Pupils who have packed lunches should bring their food in a small lunch box. This must be labelled with their name and class.
We are a 'water only' school and drinking water is always available free of charge.
The children are asked to bring in a healthy packed lunch which should include:
A good portion of starchy food, e.g. wholegrain roll, tortilla wraps, chipatta, pitta pocket, pasta or rice salad
A portion of lean meat, fish or alternative, e.g. chicken, ham, beef, tuna, egg, beans or hummus
Plenty of fruit and vegetables, e.g. and apple, Satsuma, handful of cherry tomatoes or carrot sticks, small tub of fruit salad or small box of raisins
A portion of dairy food, e.g. reduced fat cheese, yoghurt or fromage frais
Healthy Lunchbox Examples
A healthy lunch does not mean giving up all the foods that children enjoy. One treat in a packed lunch will be ok, e.g. a small packet of low fat or baked crisps, a chocolate biscuit or a piece of cake.
Going Home
Pupils must be collected from the main reception and signed out at 11.50am for KS1 and 11.55am for KS2. They should not return to the School until 12.45pm. Please bring them back to the main reception and sign them in.