Mrs Thomas - SEND Coordinator


Accessibility Plan: 2021-2024

SEND Policy 2023-2025

SEND Information Report: 2023-2024

SEND Newsletters

Summer Term: 2023-2024

Autumn Term: 2023-2024

SEND Signposting

An NHS guide to ADHD

An NHS guide to Anxiety

An NHS guide to Autism

An NHS guide to dealing with difficult behaviour

An NHS guide to Dyslexia

An NHS guide to Dyspraxia

An NHS guide to Hypermobility

An NHS guide to Children and bereavement

An NHS guide to Hearing tests

The National Autistic Society


What other support is available for parents of pupils with SEND?


Whilst we always try to support families whose children have SEND, it may also be beneficial for you to contact the Parent Advisory Team Thurrock. Details can be found by clicking the link below:

Specialist Health Visitors

15 minute appointments can be booked with a Specialist Health Visitor for parents with children who have additional needs. An opportunity to meet with our team to discuss how our service may be able to assist. It is also an opportunity to meet the PATT SENDIASS Team and get advice and guidance on edcation and school issues. Click on the link below to book an appointment:


The Thurrock SEND Local Offer

This is the 'Local Offer.' It is also an important resource for parents in understanding the range of services and provision in the local area.

Thurrock SEND Local Offer

The local offer is part of the reforms to support children and young people with SEND under the Children and Families Act 2014.

You can find out more about the reforms in the Department for Education's guidance:

Easy Read Guide for Children and Young People

Easy Read Guide for Parents

Potty Training: How to start and best age to start