Year 5


5W - Mrs Wheeler


We are a kind, welcoming and friendly group of children. We enjoy reading, drawing and engaging in discussions. In 5W, we challenge ourselves and each other, respecting and valuing the opinions and ideas of others. As a class, we aim to always try our best and persevere when we find things difficult.


Class Target:  To work quietly and remain focused on learning tasks.

Class Champion: Albie | Health and Safety Monitor: Theo | Eco-Warrior: Paul

PE Days: Mondays & Wednesdays


5H - Miss Hellier


5H are a supportive and respectful class who have great attendance. We strive to help all of those who need it and welcome the opinions of others. Our class is full of hard-workers who never give up!


Class Target:  To ensure we are listening when the teacher is talking.

Class Champion: Simas | Health and Safety Monitor: Macey | Eco-Warrior: Amelia

PE Days: Mondays & Wednesdays


Learning Overviews

Autumn Term 1