Year 5


5B - Miss McQueen


In 5B, we aim to be the best version of ourselves and to always give 100% in all that we do. We aim to treat others how we would like to be treated ourselves, by listening to them and respecting their personal space.


Class Target:  In 5B, our target is to ensure that our lockers are closed, carefully and quietly. We will also ensure that we sit on our chairs properly and tuck them in neatly.

Class Champion: Rosie | Health and Safety Monitor: Marta | Eco-Warrior: Alex

PE Days: Monday & Thursday


5H - Mrs Hooker


We will always be prepared and equipped for learning, sitting on our chairs properly and listening attentively and respectfully to others. Furthermore, we will always try our best and not be afraid to make mistakes. We will ensure that we treat other people with kindness.


Class Target:  To look after the resources in the classroom and take responsibility for our own equipment.

Class Champion: Maadhunan | Health and Safety Monitor: Maadhunan | Eco-Warrior: Ashr

PE Days: Wednesday & Thursday


Learning Overviews

Summer Term 2

Summer Term 1

Spring Term 2

Spring Term 1

Autumn Term 2

Autumn Term 1

For Week Commencing: 18th September 2023

For Week Commencing: 11th September 2023