Year 4

4M - Miss Maguire


In 4M we always try our best and we make sure that our classroom is a happy environment so that everyone wants to come to school. We have a positive attitude towards all areas of school life and in every lesson, we try to use our neatest, joined up handwriting. We are respectful towards our peers and teachers in the classroom and around school. Most importantly we like to have lots of fun as we learn!


Class Target: To tidy up the classroom before assemblies, break time and lunch time.

Class Champion: Darius  | Health and Safety Monitor: Charlie  | Eco-Warrior: Chloe

PE Days: Wednesdays & Thursdays


4H - Mrs Hooker


We are 4H. We will always try our best in class and make the most of learning experiences. Being active is something we love, and we look out for one another. We enjoy coming into school every day and learning new skills and gaining new knowledge – it’s so much fun! Actively listening in class will help us achieve this.


Class Target: To be in the habit of learning to listen to one another and not talking over others or the teacher during lessons.  

Class Champion: Azma | Health and Safety Monitor: Ronnie | Eco-Warrior: Godson

PE Days: Wednesdays & Thursdays


Learning Overviews

Spring Term 2

Spring Term 1

Autumn Term 2

Autumn Term 1