The School Day

School Session Times


8:45am – 11:45am. LUNCH. 12:30pm – 3:30pm


8.45am – 11.50am. LUNCH. 12.50pm – 3.15pm


8:45am – 11:50am. LUNCH. 12:50pm - 3:15pm


8.45am – 11.55am. LUNCH. 12.50pm – 3.15pm

As per the DfE requirements, we offer a 32.5 hour school week.

This includes lunch times and other breaks, as well as teaching time and any enrichment activities that all pupils are expected to attend. It does not include optional before or after school provision.


Registration Procedures. Punctuaity. Lateness


8.45am. The School Day Starts. Duty Teachers are stationed at the entry doors into the school to admit the children into the school building. Parents/Carers are not permitted to enter the building but may pass written notes to the Duty Teacher for the Class Teacher. 

8.55am. The Doors are Closed. Duty Teachers will close and secure the doors at this time. Any pupils who arrive after this time are considered to be late and will be directed to the School Office where their dinner requests will be taken and then will be taken safely to their classrooms.

8.55am. Morning Registers are taken electronically and are open for 30 minutes. If a child arrives in school after the Registers have closed, this will be class as an Unauthorised Absence.

12.55pm. Afternoon Registers are taken electronically. Pupils arriving for the afternoon school session must be in school by 12.50pm. Arriving later than this will result in a late mark.

3.15pm. The School day ends