School Uniform and PE Kit

Our School Governors have put in place a uniform policy. This means that we expect all pupils to wear the school uniform each day (this is optional for Nursery). Our school colours are navy blue, grey and white. The uniform is intended to be smart, practical, and economical.


For both Girls and Boys, the standard school uniform is as follows:

  • White shirt / blouse or polo-shirt or school logo polo shirt
  • Grey bottoms (skirt, trousers, shorts)
  • Navy blue jumper / cardigan or school logo sweatshirt
  • Plain black shoes (no trainers or boots)
  • White socks or grey tights may be worn

In summer term children are allowed to wear black or white sandals, but they must be worn with socks. Navy blue and white summer dresses are permitted in summer.


On PE Days (twice a week), pupils must wear their PE Uniform to school:

  • Grey Sweatshirt with School Logo
  • Grey or Navy Blue Tracksuit Bottoms, leggings or shorts
  • White T-Shirt with School Logo
  • Trainers

NB - PE Clothing must not be branded.


The expectation is that pupils will wear plain shirts, jumpers, etc. if they are not wearing the school logo.

It is helpful if children in Reception also bring to school a pair of Wellington Boots for outside provision.

Please make certain that ALL items of clothing are labelled clearly with your child’s name to avoid items going astray.

Left: Summer Uniform, Middle: Winter Uniform, Right: PE Kit


Buying school uniform

‘Uniforms by Niki’ stock all Kenningtons Primary Academy uniform at competitive prices. School logo sweatshirts, cardigans, PE kit, bags, sun hats, and polo shirts are available.


Phone: 07925476600


We also have a pre-loved stall where you are able to purchase logo uniform and PE Kit for £1 each. Please contact the School Office if you would like to make a visit to our pre-Loved stall.



Because of health and safety regulations, we do not allow any jewellery to be worn in school.

The exception to this is a wristwatch and a small pair of studs, which should be practical to wear and not a fashion item.

If a child has forgotten to remove an item of jewellery prior to arrival at school, we will ask them to remove the item and take it to the office for safe keeping until it can be collected at the end of the day.

If jewellery is worn as a religious requirement, please contact the Headteacher to discuss this matter.



Hairstyles should not be attention seeking. Extreme styles such as sculptured names / symbols, mohicans or dyed hair are neither appropriate nor acceptable for children of primary school age. For health and safety reasons, long hair should be kept out of children's eyes and fully tied up for PE.


Makeup and nail varnish

Because of health and safety regulations, we do not allow any makeup or nail varnish to be worn in school.