Awards & Achievements


KS1 Borough Olympics Team - July 2024

Our Junior Athletes did very well at the Borough Olympics with many medals and an overall fourth place. Our Infant Athletes were amazing and every single child received a medal for at least one event.


KS2 Borough Olympics Team - July 2024

KS2 are in the top Borough Olympics group and have a really tough category. Despite the odds, these children won medals and helped us to come 5th overall in the borough.


Netball Team - June 2024

Kenningtons took part in the rounders tournament. They played some excellent games and earned their place in the final where they came 2nd and picked up the silver medal.


Netball Team - March 2024

The Kenningtons Netball Team took part in the annual rally. The B Team played so well in what was a very tough group and finished in 3rd place. The A Team played some great games in the groups and made it all the way through to the Finals and came 2nd


Thurrock Football League - March 2024

We won the league !!!!!! A HUGE well done to the Boys Football Team for winning the Thurrock Football League - we are SO proud of you all.


Basketball Finals - November 2023

The Kenningtons Basketball Team made it through to the Finals and won the Bronze Mrs Harris said they played and won with pure skill and she is extremely proud of their performance.


Tag Rugby Events - 10th November 2023

On Friday 10th November, Kennington’s hosted a Tag Rugby event. 7 schools across Thurrock came to play at our school in a round-robin format. The event was a huge success and Kenningtons came away with a Bronze Medal. Well done to all the children involved.


KS2 took part in a Cross Country Event - 20th October 2023

Out of 30 schools, Kenningtons came 4th place - earning them an extra 10 points in the medal table.

  • Year 6 Girls - won bronze
  • Year 6 Boys - brought home the gold medal

Mrs Harris is extremely proud of the team as this is possibly the toughest event of the school year.