Year 3

3G - Mrs Goyette


We are kind, caring and respectful to everyone in our school community. We aspire to be focused, resilient and to always try our best. We want to be challenged with lessons that are fun and interesting so that we look forward to coming to school every day. 


Class Target: We will stop what we are doing and focus quickly  on the adult when they speak out loud.

Class Champion: Parker | Health and Safety Monitor: Agamjot | Eco-Warrior: Evelina

PE Days: Tuesdays & Thursdays


3M - Miss McQueen


We are 3M: We are respectful to each other, visitors, school equipment and property. We are kind, helpful, honest and hard-working - NEVER giving up. We have a positive attitude to learning and as a result, we set additional challenges and always try to exceed any expectations.


Class Target: We will not talk if another person is already speaking and we will stay in our seats whilst working.

Class Champion: Tyler | Health and Safety Monitor: Reece | Eco-Warrior: Tilly

PE Days: Tuesdays & Thursdays


Learning Overviews

Autumn Term 1